
December 12, 2019 


The work of Maly Man which all elements of LA’s light, wind, earth, and skin are transmitted with a powerful and delicate texture. Her roots, which seem to be multinational at first glance, are continents that have reached across the Pacific Ocean. She captures with a camera with a physical sense, she calls it the strange sense. Interview with Maly Mann, who shot the image of niuhans Fall / Winter 2019.

Where are you right now?
Los Angeles, CA

What the view from the window?
Downtown Los Angeles drenched in sunshine.

What book are you reading today?
I have been constantly in and out of reading ‘The Word Pretty‘ by Elisa Gabbert. Intensely beautiful essays that I find myself coming back to. 

Can you tell us about your roots?
My parents were both born in Cambodia. My mother has a bit of Chinese in her blood, and my father has some Thai in him. They moved to the states in the late 70’s.

Would you tell us about the environment where you were raised in your childhood
I was raised in Long Beach, CA. Many of my parents friends from back home lived there and found work there after the corrupt government took over Cambodia. I remember spending my days running around my neighbors garden, playing ball, and making photographs with my sister Sam whom first taught me about cameras and the ability we have with them. 

niuhans often dyes clothes with botanical colors. What is the name of flower and its colour blooms in your hometown?
Ah yes! I love that about the brand. The city flower is the Bird of Paradise which blooms in multiple colors: red,orange, blue. It’s quite a beautiful sight. 

What is the precious thing/time in your daily life?
The early morning. The moment I turn the stove on to warm up my kettle that I’d use to brew coffee is the click of bliss. Knowing that it is a new day and fresh start with many possibilities is one of the greatest joys.

How would you spend time during a day off?
I usually find myself with a good film and popcorn after a long walk.

What is your favorite fashion style?
Simple, clean, usually a lot of black and loose pants. I always have oxfords or loafers around.

Do you remember when you took a picture for the first time?
Yes! 4th grade during a class camping trip. I begged my sister to get me a few disposables and I went wild with them!

Your photography seems depict your lifestyle. what is the difference thing between capturing by camera and eye?
I am not sure why this is a pretty tough question. I live daily capturing moments and creating mental notes about what I view but when I see something that I know I do not want to let slip from my memory, I photograph it. Some images hold much more value when they are tangible rather than memorable in a strange sense. They carry weight as they do when you initially felt the need to keep it close to you initially.

How do modeling and painting influence your photography work?
I have found painting to be much more of a release as time has moved. Painting has always been a source of mood-boarding and testing and this has led to me feeling better clear-headed when it comes to my other lines of work. Regarding modeling, I have found it to be very helpful to my photography work when it comes to shooting other subjects because I now know what works for the subjects body, how to tend to lighting, and how to be communicative with everyone involved. The importance of understanding how to work in front of the camera vs. how to work behind the camera go hand-in-hand. 

What is social media to you?
A means of communication. Nothing more at this point. Social Media has some strange toxicity that we can’t escape and at this point, I use it as a portfolio in some sense because it is easier for people to connect with my handle rather than my email. So at this point, it is merely a form of messaging.

What camera and roll of film do you shoot with currently?
I shoot mainly with Kodak Portra 400 on a Pentax 67 early model.

Who is your hero in art?
My heroes are all the young kids who are trying to make it.

Who is your favorite photographer?
Corinne Day has been a big influence of mine as well as Masao Yamamoto.

Regarding niuhans shoot, where did you shoot?
I shot this lookbook in Elysian Park of Los Angeles.

Looking back the shooting, would you tell us how the shoot went?
The shoot was amazing. The day started very early ‪around 6am‬ and the two models were incredibly kind and worked with ease.

Tell us about the relationship between you and models at the shooting?
Brenden Dyer and Ciara Maccaro are two models to remember! Great looks with even greater hearts. Brenden is a friend of my partner’s and it was great to connect with him on this shoot and the relationship between he and Ciara (who I have known for years) was very fluid. They both worked really well.

Do you have a place where you can be most energetic or relaxed?
I find myself feeling the brightest and most calm in Yosemite Valley, CA – the scenery is breathtaking no matter the time of year. I am very much so an outdoors type of person and Yosemite is the place I come back into myself. I run along the streams, dip my head in the water, go on long walks, and take in all the air I can.

What is your impression of Japan?
Beautiful is an understatement. I love Japan and I have yet to go there.

Do you have a place where you are going to visit for shooting?
Iceland. I am looking into a long stint in Iceland in the coming year.

What is the plan for your future projects?
No plan necessarily. I just want to make work with no purpose. I just want my work to carry the weight I feel when I am making it. I want it to be full of truth. I want it to hold love.

Lastly, is there any news you would like to announce?
I wouldn’t be here in this position (photographing, modeling, creating, etc.) if it weren’t for the people I met in 2016. Thank you to those of you who inspired me to reach a potential I was afraid of going for. Love to all.

LAの光、風、土、肌、全ての要素が力強くも繊細な質感で伝わるMaly Manの作品。一見多国籍に見える彼女のルーツは太平洋を渡って辿り着いた大陸。物理的な感覚でカメラで捉えている彼女はその瞬間をstrange senseと語る。ニュアンスの2019秋冬のイメージを撮りおろしたMaly Mannとのインタビュー。



Elisa Gabbertという作家の書いた「The Word Pretty」というわたしの愛読本。自分らしさを取り戻すことのできるとっても美しいエッセイなのよ。


カンボジア政府の崩壊後、両親の友人たちもたくさんカリフォルニア州南部のロングビーチへ移ってきたの。 近所で庭を走り回ったり、ボール遊びをしたり、わたしに初めてカメラについて教えてくれた姉のサムとはよく写真を撮ったりしたのを思い出すわ。




シンプルでクリーンなスタイルが好き。黒い服を着ることが多くて、ゆったりしたパンツも好き。 靴はいつもオックスフォードシューズかローファーを履いてる。



時間が経つにつれて、絵を描くことは自分を解放することになると気づいたの。私にとって絵画はムードボードや実験の役目になっていて、他の仕事を行う際の道しるべにもなってるわ。モデルをすることに関しては、他の被写体を撮影する際にとても役立ってる。自らモデルを経験することで、身体の動きや照明効果、スタッフとのコミュニケーション方法がわかったから。 カメラの前と後ろの作業は密接な関係にあって、相対的な理解が大切だと思うわ。


Pentax 67の初期モデルでいつもフィルムはKodak Portra 400を使っているわ。


Corinne Day山本昌男はわたしに大きな影響を与えた写真家たちよ。


撮影は素晴らしかったわ。 その日は非常に早く始めたの、‪早朝6時頃からだったけど、‬2人のモデルも信じられないほど親切で順調に撮影できたわ。

Brenden DyerとCiara Maccaroは性格もルックスも素晴らしくて、絶対覚えていて欲しいモデルたちよ!Brendenは私のパートナーの友人で、この撮影で知り合って、Ciaraとは長年の付き合いよ。2人はお互いとても自然な雰囲気で本当にうまくいったわ。

ええ、カリフォルニア州のYosemite Valleでは最も明るく穏やかな気分になれるわ。季節を問わず息を呑むほど美しい景色で、自分自身を見つめられる場所。小川に沿って走って、河の水に頭を浸したり、長い散歩をしてできる限りの空気を体に取り入れるの。アウトドア派のわたしにはぴったり。






Maly Mann / マリー・マン

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