Where are you right now?
I am currently at my desk, in my house in London.
What time is it now?
It’s 2:59 P.M.
What the view from the window?
I can see my backyard, some purple wild flowers and the washing line with pink summer dresses. The sky is grey unfortunately.
What a colour would you choose about your mood of today?
Lilac like the flowers in my garden.
Where do you live now?
I live in London, in Dalston.
How did you start in photography?
I started photography after stealing my dad’s film camera in my late 20s and then I started taking pictures of the snow.
Do you remember when you took a picture for the first time?
Yes, I borrowed my friend’s dad’s camera for a week. I was about 15 years old. I was reading Balzac and a streak of light hit my hand. I photographed my hand because I didn’t want to forget that moment and the beautiful autumnal light. When I took that photo i knew I wanted to be a photographer, but I waited many years to actually decide to pursue it.
What do you try to catch when you are taking a photograph?
I decide to photograph something that pleases my eyes but that somehow contains elements of unordinary or strange.
What camera and roll of film do you shoot with currently?
Nikon F100 and PORTRA 400.
Perhaps would you tell us about the environment where you were raised in your childhood/ teen years?
I grew up in Bassano del Grappa in the north of Italy. We used to spend a lot of time in the swimming pool in the summer, skiing in the mountains in winter, mushroom picking in the woods in autumn. As a child I felt a little bit like a goonies as I was always on my bike exploring places with my brother.
Tell us the name of a flower which blooms in your hometown, and its colour.
We have a flower that blossoms in the mountains. It’s a protected specie, it’s white and it’s called Alpine Star.
Do you have a place you can call spiritual home?
Yes, when I go to Italy I always go visit a temple designed by the architect and sculptor Antonio Canova. The temple is in a town called Possagno. I love it there. It’s so peaceful.
What is your favorite season?
Spring. It’s optimistic. Every spring I feel as if I was in love.
What is the precious thing/ time in your daily life?
When I am on my bike. It’s a good time to think and feel alive.
How would you spend time during a day off, and also a working day?
On my day off, I mostly try to hang out with friends, I watch movies and cook nice food. I love cooking. I like to go to records shops and read.
When I work, if I am not shooting I spend a lot of time at the computer e mailing and looking for inspiration.
I take regular breaks and I tend to go for walks and listen to music. At the end of the day I find it very relaxing to go to the groceries and cook a nice meal. Oh, and I exercise in the park as well.
What is your favorite fashion style?
I like casual comfortable clothes, natural materials and designs that have nostalgic touch and soft shapes with nice movement.
Tell us about the favorite piece from your wardrobe?
It’s a dress made by a girl who I met on instagram. Paola Breslauers. She lives in Barcelona and one summer when it was extremely hot she wanted to wear her mum’s summer dress so badly. She couldn’t get it sent to her in time, so she decided to make one by herself using some fabric that she found in a local market. I love the simplicity of it and the story behind it is just amazing.
Do you have a favorite photo/art book?
There is a photographer I discovered recently: Mashisa Fukase. His book, “Solitude of the ravens” is one of the most expensive books I have ever heard of. I do not own it but I wish I did.
Which photographers/artists do you particularly respect?
I like a lot of Japanese photographers. But I love the approach of a Dutch photographer called Elspeth Diederix.
Where did you shoot for niuhans AW16-17?
I shot in Mount Grappa.
Please tell us about behind the shoot?
We shot over 2 days with 2 different models. One day with Ervina and One with Ele.
With Ervina we drove up to Mount Grappa with another friend. It was a very misty day down in the plains but above the clouds in the mountain the sky was so clear and cloudless. we just basically hang out and had a nice meal and took photos.
then when we started descending we could see how beautiful the scenario was: the sky was purple and the town was covered by this thick blanket of mist of mist that looked like an ocean.
With Ele, we just went for a nice walk and we tried a few different things. I love her hair it was reverberating the colours of autumn
Please tell us about the relationship between you and the model?
One of the models is Eleonora, she is my best friend. She is the sister I have never had and my strongest connections in my home town after my mum. She is a beautiful soul and a golden heart.
The other model is Ervina, who is also a friend but we have met only recently. She has an extraordinary personality and very unique ways about her. Her eyes are deep like those of a Bambi. She should be an actress.
What is your impression of Japan?
A place that I would love to visit as soon as possible. I love your culture and aesthetics. A lot of the photographers I love are from Japan. I also love your food and designers.
Do you have a place where you would like to visit for shooting?
Yes a part from Japan, Ethiopia and Mozambique.
Lastly, is there any news you would like to announce? Or what is the plan for your future projects?
Well at the moment, I am working on a few editorial projects. I love collaborating with people, but I am also looking forward to organize my next trip and take some pure observational photography.
Nikon F100とPOTRA 400。
国の指定保護種になってる白い高山植物で、Alpine Starという花です。
ええ、イタリアへ行く際は必ず訪れている場所があるわ。Antonio Canovaの建てた神殿。ポッサーニョという町にあって、とても心が安らぐ場所なの。
インスタグラムで知り合ったPaola Breslauersという女の子が作ったドレスなんだけど、バルセロナに住んでいる子で、ある猛暑の夏の日に、彼女のお母さんの着ていたサマードレスがどうしても着たくなったんですって、でも直には届かなかったから、近くの生地屋で布を調達して、自分で仕立てちゃったんですって。シンプルなデザインと、その背景のストーリーが凄く良いと思うの。
好きな日本人の写真家は多いけれど、Elspeth Diederixというオランダ人の写真家の手法を敬愛しているの。
Arianna Lago / アリアーナ・ラゴ
イタリア、バッサーノ・デル・グラッパ生まれ。ロンドンを拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。おもなクライアント『Amuse I-D』『Monocle』『Marwood』『Metal』『Nocturne Studio』『Roksanda』『Vogue italia』『Moon』『The Wire Magazine』『The Garden Edit』等がある。
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