Where are you right now?
I’m at my home in Bled, Slovenia.
What time is it now?
Early afternoon. I just did some gardening and I’m waiting for lunch now.
What is the view from the window?
The neighbors’ houses, mountains and blue sky. It’s a really nice sunny day.
What colour would you choose for your today’s mood?
I don’t really associate colors with moods but if I really had to choose one it would probably be green.
Perhaps would you tell us about the environment where you were raised in your childhood/teen years?
I lived in a couple of small, quiet towns when I was younger. We usually had a big garden and I have really fond memories of those times.
Where do you live now?
I live in the northwestern part of the country, near the mountains. I’m thinking about moving back to the capital.
Would you tell us the name of a flower and its colour which blooms in your hometown?
I love trees, especially conifers, but I don’t know a whole lot about flowers. I really like forget-me-nots that sometimes bloom in our garden – they have a lovely pale blue color.
Do you have a place you can call spiritual home? If yes, please tell us about it.
The area I’ve lived in my whole life is a spiritual home of mine in a way. It’s a beautiful landscape, full of mountains and forests.
What is your favorite season?
I don’t really have one. I love winter because I really like to ski, autumn is nice because it’s so quiet and the air is so fresh, and summer and spring are great because everything is so lively then and they make you feel like anything is possible.
What is the precious thing/time in your daily life?
Spending time with my girlfriend, friends and parents and spending time outdoors.
How would you spend time during a day off, and also a working day?
I don’t have a steady job which means that I don’t really have working days and days off. If I don’t have much to do, I usually go hiking or skiing and then meet up with people in the evening. A busy day usually involves some writing at home and maybe going to the radio station where I work part-time.
What is your favorite fashion style, and tell us about the favorite piece from your wardrobe?
Casual – black jeans and a good quality shirt. My favorite piece is a black Oakland Raiders Starter jacket. I’m kind of into old sports memorabilia, jerseys and jackets and whatnot, and I think that early 90s Starter jackets look really awesome. This one is black, so bonus points for that.
Do you remember when you took a picture for the first time?
I remember taking a photo of my mom when I was quite young, like six years old or something like that. We still have it in our photo album and it’s a pretty weird one – it’s very severely tilted.
What would you try to catch when you are taking a photograph?
A certain mood or an aesthetically pleasing moment.
When you take a photograph, what attracts you as an object?
All sorts of things, people and concepts. It’s really hard for me to explain my process, there really isn’t anything specific behind it. I feel something and then I take a photo, it’s as simple as that.
What camera and a roll of film do you shoot with currently?
Contax T2 and Kodak Gold 200.
Do you have a favorite photo book?
Not really, I prefer browsing through my favorite photographers’ tumblr feeds.
Which photographers do you particularly respect?
People like Jimmy Chin who really push themselves to get the results they want and all the photographers who have a clear personal vision and stick to it.
What a film/ book/ music/ person/ thing inspires you now?
I love Pinegrove’s new record “Cardinal”. The last book that really inspired me was Primo Levi’s “The Monkey’s Wrench” and I was very, very impressed a couple of months ago when I watched a Chilean movie called “El Botón de Nácar”.
What place did you shoot for niuhaus for Autumn&Winter 2015?
I shot this project in a small forest near Ljubljana International Airport.

Would you tell us about how the shoot went?
It went smoothly. We drove there, I shot two rolls of film and we left. I didn’t have a special game plan, I only had something like five specific shots in mind and I wanted to showcase the pieces as best as I possibly could. Also, it was quite a chilly day and the model was a bit cold, so I wanted to wrap the whole thing up as soon as possible.
Please tell us about the relationship between you and the model?
She’s my girlfriend. The Niuhans shoot is the only one we’ve done together. I hope we can do more in the future, but she’s currently very busy with her studies.
Would you tell me what is your impression about Japan?
I like Japan a lot. I visited Tokyo and Kyoto a couple of years ago and I desperately want to go back real soon! I love your culture and the people too. Your national character suits me very well. Aesthetically, I am very fond of the interesting mixture of the traditional and the modern that one can find in Japan.
Do you have a place where you would like to visit for shooting?
Yes! I’d love to visit remote places like Antarctica, Greenland and Svalbard. I think they’d fit my style quite well.
Lastly, is there any news you would like to announce? or what plans do you have for future projects?
I have a couple of project for clients that I have to finish and then I hope I can focus on some personal portraiture work.

定職があるわけではないので、仕事をする日時は決まっていませんが、ライターの仕事やラジオ局でパートタイムの仕事をしているときは、一日中忙しくしていています。休日になると、 いつもハイキングやスキーへ行って、夕方は友人と会ったりしています。
ブラックジーンズに上質なTシャツといったカジュアルな格好が好きです。特に愛用しているのは、 黒いオークランド・レイダーズのスターター・ジャケットです。私は一昔前のスポーツを思い起こさせるような、ジャージやジャケットに凄く惹かれるんです。90年代初めのスターター・ジャケットは本当に素晴らしいと思います。
Contax T2とKodak Gold 200を使っています。
Jimmy Chinのような、結果を得るために自分自身を駆り立てているような写真家や、自身の明確なビジョンを持っている写真家たちが好きです。
Pinegroveの「Cardinal」というニューアルバムがとても好きです。最近読んだ中では、Primo Leviの「The Monkey’s Wrench」という本にインスピレーションを受けました。それに、「真珠のボタン(原題:El botón de nácar)」というチリの映画にもの凄く感銘を受けました。


Jaka Bulc / ジャカ・バルク
1989年生まれ。スロベニア・ブレッドを拠点に活動する写真家。2012年にリュブリャナ大学社会学部を卒業後、写真家としてキャリアをスタートする。また写真以外の活動の他、執筆やラジオDJなど多岐に渡る。ウェブマガジン『C-HEADS』や『Coeval Magazine』にて作品を公開。 おもな個展は『GOLDEN (2012, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana)』『NIANSE ČAKANJA (2015, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana)』
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