Where are you right now?
Right now I am at home in Ljubljana. It’s Sunday evening and I just came home from a long family lunch and I am making plans for the upcoming week.
What time is it now?
It’s 7 pm and today was the first winter day which smelled of spring.
What the view from the window?
We live on the 4th floor of a building overlooking a bunch of small family houses with lights turned on. It’s dark, peaceful and quiet.
What a colour would you choose about your mood of today?
Perhaps would you tell us about the environment where you were raised in your childhood/ teen years?
I was born in Slovenia which was then part of Yugoslavia. My parents come from Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina. I spent my childhood in all of these countries. For me it was a fantastic time, we were all part of this big socialist republic, we had little but we were happier than today. I spent my summers at the Adriatic sea, in the wintertime we went skiing to the Alps, we rode bikes around our big housing complexes and we watched Czechoslovakian cartoons. I felt carefree and safe all until the war and disintegration of Yugoslavia in the beginning of the 90’s.
Would you tell us the name of flower and its colour which blooms in your hometown?
There are many magnolia trees that blossom in light pink.
Do you have a place you can call spiritual home?
Yes, it’s Fazana, a small fishing town in Istria, where my parents have a summer house. My bedroom overlooks a palm tree on the town square, every morning seagulls wake me up. It’s a very calm place. Feels like time stopped 50 years ago.
What is the precious thing/ time in your daily life?
How would you spend time during a day off, and also a working day?
On a day off I would take a hike in nature, I would read a book from my 1 million books to read list, I would go to the movies or just spend a day in my pajamas eating cakes and listening to music. On a working day I go the office I share with my boyfriend, we run a small bike accessory company. We have an office in a former tobacco factory which is now a coworking space. We keep our doors closed when we are busy and open when we wish to interact with the interesting people who work there.
What is your favorite fashion style, and tell us about the favorite piece from your wardrobe?
Jeans, white shirt and cashmere crewneck sweater. My favorite piece is a beige silk blouse which belonged to my grandmother.
What is your favorite season in your hometown?
Do you remember when you took a picture for the first time?
I remember taking photographs of my hamster all the time when I was 6 years old.
What would you try to catch when you are taking a photograph?
Certain emotion, sincerity, spontaneity, unpretentiousness, effortless beauty.
How did you start in fashion?
I don’t see myself as a fashion photographer and wouId not like to be perceived as one. Don’t get me wrong, I love fashion and enjoy doing fashion shoots but I don’t enjoy most editorials and fashion photography in general. I love fashion shots made by artists and not directed by big fashion brands. That’s why I really appreciate the way niuhans is working with different photographers who are allowed to express themselves and portray the pieces as they see fit. I think this has worked very well for the brand so far and adds a whole new dimension to the clothes themself.
What camera and film do you shoot with currently?
Contax T2 and Contax G2, I use Kodak Portra 160 or 400 and Ilford.
Do you have a favorite photo/art book?
I really like Thomas Ruff’s JPEGS book.
What a film/ book/ music/ person/ thing inspires you now?
Bosnian traditional music called Sevdah, Wisława Szymborska’s poetry, Enzo Mari’s furniture…
What place did you shoot for niuhaus for Autumn&Winter 2015?
I shot Nena in park Tivoli in Ljubljana. It’s a big park in the center of the city where I take a walk at least once a week. I shot Klemen at the marsh on the outskirts of the city. That place is magic, the light there is really specific.
Would you tell us about how the shoot went?
Really cooI. I worked with people I know so it was really comfortable, we were just walking around and chatting while I was taking photographs.
If you don’t mind, tell us about the relationship between you and the model?
Nena is my good friend and one of the most darling, warm and good hearted people I ever met. Even though we are not able to see each other often due to our busy schedules I know we’ll be friends until the rest of our lives.
What is your impression about Japan?
What stood out to me and was really charming is the 90’s patina of Japan. The yellowed plastic, the brown tinted glass, they’re witnesses of once technologically very progressive society which couldn’t withstand the passing of time despite its best efforts.
If you had a month to travel, where would you like to visit?
I would go to Scandinavia and Iceland. I’ve never been there.
Lastly, is there any news you would like to announce?
Australian publisher Bloom publishing is going to publish my zine 『Pharos』 with photographs I took at the Croatian island Hvar. I am really excited about that.
And I’m having a baby in May.

カメラはContax T2とContax G2、フィルムはKodak Portra 160か400、紙はIlfordを使っています。
Thomas Ruffの「JPEGS」です。
Sevdahというボスニアの伝統音楽、Wisława Szymborskaの詩、Enzo Mariの家具です。


Ada Hamza / アダ・ハムザ
1984年生まれ。スロベニア・リュブリャナを拠点に活動する写真家。 近年、オーストラリア・メルボルン拠点のインディペンデントパブリッシングレーベル『Bloom』から、作品集『Pharos』を出版。またスロベニアのレザー工房にて上質なレザーとクライミングロープのみを使用したバックパックレーベルを立ち上げるなど、写真以外のフィールドでも精力的に活動する。
1984年生まれ。スロベニア・リュブリャナを拠点に活動する写真家。 近年、オーストラリア・メルボルン拠点のインディペンデントパブリッシングレーベル『Bloom』から、作品集『Pharos』を出版。またスロベニアのレザー工房にて上質なレザーとクライミングロープのみを使用したバックパックレーベルを立ち上げるなど、写真以外のフィールドでも精力的に活動する。