What time is it now, and where are you right now?
It is 11.23. I’m in the airport of Stockholm, Sweden on my way back home to Paris.
What the view from the window?
My views are the planes on a snowy runway of the airport.
What colour would you choose for your mood of today?
My mood is white as snow and fog.
Would you tell us about the environment where you were raised?
I grew up on a farm in Fåvang, Norway. It is situated in a valley with a river an mountains on each side. It was a lot about nature ( I used to go fishing a lot) but also about the life on the farm. We had cows for milk production.
I was obsessed by birds, and would study them in the garden and the forests near by.
Would you tell us the name of flower or its colour which blooms in your hometown?
Yellow flowers comes to mind….
Do you have a place you can call spiritual home?
I guess my spiritual home is the place were I grew up. I feel like the nature, and the river is still a big part of me.
What is your favorite season?
I would say early spring is my favorite. Right before the leaves comes out, and life starts over again.
When did you move to Paris? and what was the motive of living in Paris?
I moved to Paris in 2011. I came to Paris to learn more about a different culture and language, and I still feel that it is a place where I learn a lot. It has a lot of culture.
Do you have a favorite place in Paris?
I’m not sure that I have a favorite place in Paris, but I love to sit in the cafes to look at people. Many neighbourhoods are nice in different ways.
How would you spend time during a day off, and also a working day?
I spend a lot of time with my family,( my two kids and my wife) but working with pictures is also a big part of my life and the pictures are always in my mind. I go to the studio every morning, like it was a regular job, and I spend the evenings weekends and holidays with my family.
What is your favorite fashion style, and tell us about the favorite piece from your wardrobe?
I love a good wool sweater. My mom used to knit classical Norwegian sweaters for me and my sisters, and I still use them as soon as it gets a bit cold outside.
Do you remember when you took a picture for the first time?
The first picture that I remember taking was a landscape with my parents Kodak instamatic camera. I still have the photo somewhere.
What would you try to catch when you are taking a photograph?
I think I try to capture some sort of vibration, a feeling, or an essence of a moment, but I like it to look effortless.
How did you start in fashion?
I started to do some fashion after seeing magazines like ID and Purple in the 90s. I was so different, and I felt like it was something that I could relate to. After a while I got in contact with Purple magazine, and that is how it started.
What camera and film do you shoot with currently?
I still use my old Nikon a lot, an FE2 (with portra film) , but I also use more and more a Canon 5D.
Do you have a favorite photo book?
There are so many nice photobooks, but I can’t think of a favorite one. The last one I bought was the new book by Anders Edström. It is very nice.
What a film/ book/ music/ person/ thing inspires you now?
I think inspiration come from everywhere and everything, but I listen to a lot to Norwegian jazz these days. Bugge Wesseltoft, Arve Henrikesn, Håkon Kornstad, Nils Økland…
Would you tell us how the niuhaus’ shoot for Spring/Summer 2015 went, and what the relationship between you and the models?
It was an nice and warm day, and we had some friends over for lunch. We were hanging out niuhans’s clothes in front of the place where I live, and I asked them to help me to do the pictures for Niuhaus. I was just realxed and easy going. Kind of just playing around. Madoka in my wife, and Somanad is a good friend that we see a lot.
What is your impression about Japan?
As my wife is Japanese, Japan has become a very important country for me, a kind of second home. I love to be there, and i always felt in place and at home in Japan.
If you had a month to travel, where would you like to visit?
If I had a month of traval maybe I would walk a pilgrim rout in Japan. To me it sounds like a dream.

良い写真集が多過ぎて、とても1つには絞れませんが、つい最近Anders Edströmの新しい写真集を購入しました。素晴らしいですよ。
あらゆる場所や物事からインスピレーションを受けていますが、Bugge Wesseltoft、Arve Henrikesn,、Håkon Kornstad,、Nils Øklandといったノルウェー・ジャズを最近よく聴いています。

Ola Rindal / オラ・リンダル
1971年、ノルウェー生まれ。パリを拠点に活動する写真家。 『Dazed and Confused』『Vogue』『Purple Fashion』『Acne Paper』『Apartamento』等、数多くのエディトリアルで撮影を手掛ける一方、『Louis Vuitton』や『Maison Martin Margiela』等のキャンペーンやカタログなどでも活躍。主な作品集『Tokyo Flowers』(2014)『Distance』(2014)『Blindness』(2013)『Clair de nuit』(2012)
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